There’s something special about being close to mammals, whether they are predators or prey they both have very keen senses. Stalking an animal in its own environment, getting close enough to take a frame filling image, it’s a very rewarding feeling. Many look at a long lens and say ‘you must be able to take photos from miles away with that’ but that couldn’t be farther from the reality. To see the detail in the eye or each individual hair requires being much closer than a hunter with a high powered rifle, this makes wildlife photography much harder than hunting.

Learning the behaviour of animals through observation is key to getting close enough for frame fillers. I look for patterns in behaviour, a regular route, a preferred perch or a favourite feeding area, learning this means I can get into a better position to take some photos. Every animal has a personal space, a safe area that they won’t allow a potential predator, me, inside. In order to get into this area I use concealment, through the clothing I wear or the habitat I am in, often a combination of them both.